International Awareness Day May 12th

International Awareness Day – May 12th

International Awareness Day – May 12th is held every year to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical SensitivityGulf War Syndrome and other Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases

It is important to continue to help people understand what these conditions are, how they affect patients… and the people in their lives! These conditions come with many co-morbidities and often multiple chronic conditions to manage on a daily basis. Life is painful, exhausting and the affects of illness can also be debilitating both physically and mentally.

May 12th is an International awareness day that we have supported since we were born on this day back in 2014. Many of us have fibromyalgia which is still a complex condition that is still often disregarded and labelled as psychosomatic. ME is a very misunderstood condition and in my personal opinion very separate to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

This International Awareness Day brings us all together from across the Globe to unite in raising awareness and to share useful resources. Show where people can get credible information and access to others like themselves. Fundraise for money towards future research and for charities to provide support for the thousands of people living with these kinds of health conditions.

We would like you to join today’s Journey and help us to help those who are looking for information and support. To help us to elevate the understanding of such health conditions and support the wonderful charities that we have listed here today. The work they each do is vital! And predominantly carried out by volunteers!!

This post is in honour of this long-time awareness day.

Today is also FibroFlutters 7th birthday another reason to celebrate this day!

International Awareness Day – May 12th

May 12th was chosen as this International Awareness Day because it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale. She is believed to have suffered from ME/CFS, fibromyalgia type symptoms but still persevered with her heroic work as a nurse. The Canadian charity May 12th International Awareness Day set up this awareness day back in 1992.

“May 12th is the birthday of nurse Florence Nightingale, but did you know she suffered from a debilitating illness resembling ME or fibromyalgia? In honour of her achievements even though she struggled with fatigue, the day has been designated an international awareness day for these conditions and other chronic immunological and neurological diseases.”

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust 12/05/2021

According to the charity May 12th International Awareness Day today is the 29th Anniversary of raising awareness on May 12th. You can download a pdf that was composed back in 2010 that explains a bit of history. Including the connection to Florence Nightingale.

“May 12th has been designated as International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) since 1992. The CIND illnesses include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).”

The May12th International Awareness website and social media pages are all part of a May 12th project run by Action CIND which is a Canadian registered charity. Their vision is to ‘advance the recognition, empathy, treatment and support services for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases’.

May 12th International Awareness Day. Charity Number 781915293RR0001

The ME Association charity, in the UK, are holding an ME AWARENESS WEEK this week 10-16 MAY 2021

They are ‘discussing health and social care and the recent experiences of people with ME/CFS.’ They also have a focus on the NICE guidelines and how they will affect those living with ME and what they can do to help change the way it is treated.

Read about it here:

“While we wait for the new guideline to be published (18 August 2021), we have time to consider what we want to change and how we might work with the NHS to improve the current situation.”

ME Awareness Week / The ME Association |

For information, support & all things ME visit The ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279

This is the 6th anniversary of #MillionsMissing, a global movement powered by #MEAction to raise awareness and fight for recognition, education and research for people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) (or ME/CFS).

Read about it here:

“Millions are missing from their careers, schools, families and communities because of this disease. Millions of dollars are missing from research and clinical education. And millions of medical providers are missing out on the proper training to diagnose and help patients manage this illness”


For information, support & all things ME visit #MEAction

International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

In the UK our main charity for Fibromyalgia is Fibromyalgia Action UK who celebrate today as International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.

Fibromyalgia impacts so many people, yet awareness is low.

Help us to make more people #BecomeFibroAware by sharing this graphic today.

For information, and community support groups within the UK visit

Fibromyalgia Action UK (FMA UK) is a registered charity in England and Wales (1042582). A company limited by guarantee (SC492045).
Registered address: Suite 3006, 12 Seedhill Road Mile End Mill, Paisley, PA1 1JS

Raising Fibromyalgia Awareness with David Williams of ‘Rock Off Fibro’

Please have a listen to this radio interview with David Williams of Rock Off Fibro. The interview begins about 1hr into the show so you might wish to fast-forward.

Help Rock Off Fibro help others, by raising Awareness of incurable Fibromyalgia, & invisible illnesses ptsd, Depression, Chronic Pain. Help to raise funds by visiting the website for link for a gig cd, dvd, and grab yourself a supporter badge.


National Fibromyalgia Association Awareness Day Campaign Page

Just a few pics from the past to muse through!

  • Awareness 12th May 2019

Website sources for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) & Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)

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