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We’re all-a-flutter | Paul Simms Chairman of eyeforpharma  |  21 March 2018


‘The people who shook our hands and took time out to speak to us made us feel heard; we cannot fault that. Just in shock that such esteemed pharma folks would be interested, and eyeforpharma has taught us that pharma is actually listening. So we can go and spread the word of that now with confidence after experiencing it for ourselves first hand.

FibroFlutters in the news! 

We’re all-a-flutter | Paul Simms Chairman of eyeforpharma  |  21 March 2018

As you all know myself, Carole Scrafton and fellow Founding Flutter Sonia Hawkins attended the eyeforpharma Barcelona 2018 conference last week.  Our whole story won’t be published for a few weeks yet but as a wee taster Paul Simms the Chairman of eyeforpharma liked my feedback enough to paste it into an article so you can get a little taste of what we experienced before reading the full story in April.


‘The people who shook our hands and took time out to speak to us made us feel heard; we cannot fault that. Just in shock that such esteemed pharma folks would be interested, and eyeforpharma has taught us that pharma is actually listening. So we can go and spread the word of that now with confidence after experiencing it for ourselves first hand.

Please read and share to help encourage patient voices, leaders and experts to come forward and join in where their voices are needed.  Thankyou – Carole Scrafton (CEO) & Founding Five Members FibroFlutters.

A massive thankyou to Paul and his team for an excellent event and for letting us join them in the mission for patientcentricity and a more patient centred approach to pharma, which should include more patient engagement support programs, better communication and also in turn help to produce better products.


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Eyeforpharma – Mission statement:

Our mission is to make pharma more open and valued.
The ultimate driver for the pharmaceutical industry’s health is meeting the needs of patients, otherwise it will cease to matter. For healthcare to be as good as it could be, the strength, skills and resources of our industry need to be fully integrated into health outcomes and we need pharma experience at the decision-making table.
We believe the industry must focus on a business model combining service with product, with patients at the center.

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