#Innovation AI in medicine clinician series Clinician Series clinicians Educational EVENTS Health and medical medical Medical news stories, blogs and research Pharma / Science / Tech / Digital / AI Professionals Webinar

Clinician Series is back with a Fresh new format – AIMed

Starting on September 28 and 29, AIMed will go live with a weekly series of high quality content. Shorter, more focused sessions available to view for free live or on-demand.

AI in medicine clinicians Deep learning EVENTS Health and medical Machine learning medical Medical Conditions / Disorders Medical news stories, blogs and research Medical specialists / consultants Medical technologists Pharma / Science / Tech / Digital / AI Professionals Radiology Sites to visit Supporters / Ambassadors Webinar

AI in radiology – AI-enabled opportunistic screening in medical imaging

Join this exclusive webinar – Discussing the impact of AI-enabled opportunistic screening in medical imaging and how this can positively impact on population health at scale.