ARMA has a new #knowledgehub

#ARMA  #MSKhub #research #rarediseases #musculoskeletal #Rheumatology  #Rheum  #patients  #clinical  #forum  #knowledgehub

ARMA has a new hub for knowledge, webinars, and there’s also a ‘Member’s Forum’, and a Patients section as well as access for people to share their materials.

About the hub  >>>

About the Forum  >>>

Membership of the forum is open to anyone working in musculoskeletal health or support. To join the forum, sign up from the home page.

About ARMA  >>>


The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) is the umbrella body for the arthritis and musculoskeletal community in the UK, and our mission is to transform the quality of life of people with musculoskeletal conditions. We have 40 member organisations ranging from specialised support groups for rare diseases to major research charities and national professional bodies.