How to Explain Your Pain to a Doctor | EDS and Chronic Pain News & Info

How to Explain Your Pain to a Doctor by

How to Explain Your Pain to a Doctor by Dr. Michael J. Cooney, D.C. on April 15th, 2016 Here are some tips from a doctor about how to describe your pain in terms a doctor can understand best. Pain symptoms are personal, unique–and subjective. (What Joe describes as “unbearable pain” may be considered “pretty unpleasant pain” […]

Via:  How to Explain Your Pain to a Doctor — EDS and Chronic Pain News & Info

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Chronic pain is known to cause chronic illnesses associated with chronic fatigue, Mental Health and our stress levels which all escacerbates the pain.  Chronic pain also affects our sleeping habits which also escacerbates the fatigue, and then the pain.

It is so easy to find yourself in the  ‘what came first?’ scenario, the pain, or the fatigue, or the depression, or the…. and so on!  How do you talk about your pain with your Doctor? Is there a way to explain it clearly?

It is a viscious circle that we battle every day, and explaining it using the correct jargon could be quite useful. This guide by Dr Michael J Cooney discusses it clearly, and is very useful as well as educational in explaining ‘how to explain your pain to your doctor’ using the correct terminilogies etc.

Hope you find it useful!