Article: Diagnosing Depression in People with Chronic Pain – Arthritis Health

Personally speaking I find this to be an interesting read regarding chronic pain and diagnosing depression, especially the discussion about patients not recognising that they may be depressed because their focus is mainly on their pain levels.  Also, the fact that many doctors don’t screen for depression so many of us can go untreated, and can suffer enormously when it’s not necessary.

If you’re not sure how to gauge depression the article includes ‘The Depression Questionnaire’

People who suspect they are experiencing depression can take the Depression Questionnaire. This self-administered test can help gauge the severity of depression.

…. so you can answer them, truthfully of course!, and check to see where you fit in, are you depressed,… or not?!

Remember to speak to your GP about it too because they are your medical care providers and they may be able to help you 🙂


It’s a short but very useful read .



Link to article/post:  Diagnosing Depression in People with Chronic Pain.


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Opening lines:

People living with chronic pain are more susceptible to depression than people with pain that is short-term in nature. Why? Experts point to two reasons—the first involves the negative effects pain has on a person’s life, called secondary losses, and the second involves the way the brain receives chronic pain messages.


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